And now I'm back to finishing Coalface; the pressure's on, after making a rash promise I'd have it done by the end of this month. There's a choice to make at this point - ignore the party-fuelled bravado, or take it on and make it happen. So that night, out came the laptop, and by the end of a long day, another chapter was done.
And I'd written something new.
Coalface is set in an alternate Victorian England - familiar, possible, but very different in many ways, including the songs people sing. Possibly under the influence of the excellent Laura Marling on the CD in the car, I wrote a folk song for Freddy, our brave young hero, as he strives to discover the truth behind his father's fatal accident.
'My Brother's Shovel' would be sung to keep you motivated as you work, to bring your mates together as you celebrate, or to remember those who have gone before you. It's that kind of song. When I'm done, I'll post it.
Time for the next chapter - got a deadline to meet.
Go for it Andy! You're nearly there
(you're so bloody fast!)
m x