I started last week wearing my scriptwriting hat, with a fantastic meeting to discuss ways to support the participants of the new Shine a Light project at Quad in Derby – it’s a fantastic opportunity for people aged over sixty to get involved with filmmaking, and I’m looking forward to seeing the results of the project on the big screen.
Wednesday brought another great meeting with a new writer contact I met through Derbyshire Scriptwriters – we shared an interest in developing a story which was outlined at a recent meeting, so we caught up for a coffee to discuss it (I can see a pattern emerging…) After writing alone, it’s nervewracking to work your way through a story with someone else, but the experience is invaluable, as are the results – even at the first treatment stage, I think we’ve got a cracking story to show you.
Thursday took me to Creative Brews at Nottingham Writers Studio, where I finished my short film treatment in between talking about the mythology of animals, followed by a great email – my short story, ‘Didn’t See Nothing’ will be featured in the next Nottingham Writers Studio journal (I ordered another coffee to celebrate). It’s a piece I’m really proud of, and really pleased I submitted it after discussing it with the Young Adult and Children writing group at NWS. Some of the work will be showcased at a Word of Mouth in December, fingers crossed one of them will be mine…
So that was last week, what about this week?
All of a sudden, after sharing work and ideas with other inspirational writers, I’m working on multiple projects. As well as my Middle Grade WIP, Red – I’ve a couple of short stories to prepare for submission, a short film to develop, a tricky synopsis to wrangle into submission, and copy edits on ‘Didn’t See Nothing’ following it’s successful submission. And I’ll be updating the Writing at Rosys team with my progress on a short story they helped to inspire, along with a creative workshop with the YAC group this Friday.
And, of course, writing, writing, writing.
Any other business? How about another coffee…?
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